Download and Upload File Hosting


Hosting by Client or the ScreenPal Team

As previously described in ScreenPal Solution Builder, ScreenPal Solution Builder requires the downloading of certain files, such as ScreenPal Installers, .jar, and .zip.

Solution Builder Clients may host these files on their servers for download to their Customers. Alternatively, the ScreenPal Team can host the files for the Client and the Client's Customers would download the files from the ScreenPal servers.

For example, a Client may have the ScreenPal Team create a webpage for the Client, such as The webpage could display the Client's logo and an "I agree to the Terms of Service" checkbox. After agreeing, the webpage could offer an operating-specific ScreenPal Solution Builder Installer for download.

After the Client's Customer runs the ScreenPal Solution Builder Installer, the Customer can then go to the Client's webpage with their customized Basic Uploader launcher and uploaded video file business logic and services. Files that were needed for download would be downloaded from ScreenPal's servers. Uploaded videos could be uploaded to ScreenPal or Client's servers.

If you are interested in having the ScreenPal Team host your downloaded or uploaded files, then please Contact Sales.

Files Hosting Domain

See Hosted Downloadable Files for a list of files that need to be served from either the Client's domain or ScreenPal's domain.

If you choose to have the ScreenPal Team host those files for you, then the domain and URL to use is:

For More Information

Also see