Configure the Custom Uploader
Use the following information as a guide to configure the features of custom publishing.
Use Custom Uploading, rather than basic uploading, where a custom uploading API is required and when you need to create your own user interface (UI).
You can design the UI with additional controls not contained in the basic uploader. This allows the user to enter metadata through any configured web interface control (for example, to input additional information that is uploaded with the recording).
App Display properties allow you to customize branding and message strings in the screen recorder and video editor.
The added optional input fields POST back when requesting the upload URL. For a custom upload, create a Java jar file with code that implements the Custom Publish interface.
In the jar file you create, account for:
- Upload properties
- Skin images
- Other properties
The following steps outline the custom publishing process:
- Implement the CustomPublish Java interface class.
- Create a signed jar with a class that implements the CustomPublish Java interface and any additional classes created to support the upload process.
- Host the jar in the jarHostPath
- Add the jar to the jars list.
- Remove the BasicUploadSkin.jar (if present).
The following is an example structure of a custom publishing implementation:
The sizes for the 96-dpi png icons are as follows:
- frame_icon.png: 48x48
- publish_customupload_16.png: 16x16
- publish_customupload_24.png: 24x24
- publish_customupload_48.png: 48x48
We will provide example files to you.
We will provide example files to you.
The following properties can be set in the file:
This property contains the title displayed on the window for the application.
This property contains the title displayed at the top of the window when viewing the preview after recording.
This property enables and disables the Show Draw and Zoom tool on the recorder.
This property enables and disables the Show Edit button to offer editing after recording.
This property contains the message displayed after upload is complete. (Note the TITLE_REPLACE which we will replace using the setDoneMessage in the CustomPublishImpl as an example that you can update this message dynamically or replace the complete message. )
When this property is set to true, the app deletes the local recording after a successful upload. When this property is set to false, the app does not remove the local recording.
This property enables and disables the Show a link and copy button for the URL returned after upload is complete.
This property provides an optional link to launch after the user clicks the button when upload is complete. Omit this setting if no page needs to launch. Otherwise, set this property to a URL or to the string "gotoplayback," which launches the URL you returned after the upload is complete.
This property sets the subdirectory to store your users’ recordings. The default location where this subdirectory is created is Documents. The following example creates Documents\Screen Recorder, and adds a Recordings directory with a subdirectory for each recording stored on the computer ( Documents\Screen Recorder\Recordings\individual recording folders ).
This property sets the name shown in the app. For example, "Upload to Mybrand."
This property specifies the class that you provide to implement the com.screencastomatic.CustomPublish interface.